Creative amigo, do you feel like your artistic voice is trapped, unable to fully shine through in your work?

Bloom Your Creative Voice is your step-by-step guide to unlocking that unique spark only you have, transforming it into a powerful personal brand and a thriving creative business.

Join the priority list

La Creative Voice is your DNA as an artist. It’s your personal and genuine way to communicate, create, and monetize your creative vision.

But, making it Bloom is quite a challenge. I know, I’ve experienced it. Sometimes it was a real struggle to stay true to myself.

Now, my Creative Voice is the most profitable asset of my creative business, and I want to help you make it yours too.

Join the priority list

Amigo, does this sound familiar to you?

You feel insecure about your creative work. You know you have the technical ability, but you can't seem to convey yourself 100% in your creations.

You constantly compare your work to others, you're overwhelmed by inspiration, and you end up copying other creatives you admire too much.

You don't know where to look for clients or how to communicate with them. You have doubts when explaining your project, product, or service, and you don't project enthusiasm.

You love to create new projects, but you don’t know how to monetize them and turn them into a business.

You feel that the market is saturated with creatives and artists, and on top of that, AI has come to steal your job.



Free and spread your powerful Creative Voice to transform your struggling Creative Business!

I want you to feel that you are in control, enthusiastic, and proud of your creative work.

I want you to be able to put all your artistic abilities at the service of your creative voice and business, with a clear vision and defined goals.

I want you to show the world your worth and the importance of your ideas, services, products, or programs.

I want you to find your niche that leads you directly to your dream clients.

I want you to have clarity in your artistic style, your verbal and non-verbal communication, your tone of voice and your creative offer.

I want you to design a unique business that makes you feel confident that neither AI nor another creative could replace your value.

I want you to create meaningful connections on social media instead of worrying about the algorithm.

And to achieve this, I present to you: Bloom Your Creative Voice, a 5-week online course with personalized guidance.

From Oct 7 to Nov 4 | Limited seats: 15 spots 560€ *Amigo, this is the lowest price you’ll ever get — it’s the first edition amigo price!




4 video modules with over 6 hours of content, to watch and re-watch whenever you need.


28 templates and practical exercises, to implement the methodology step by step.


5 live 1-hour sessions to address all your questions about the content implementation.


Private group to address quick doubts and share resources and inspiration with the other peers.

Here’s a sneak peek inside the course



Dive into self-discovery. Identify aspects of your personality, professional and academic background, passions and bonds. No filter! We want to dig everywhere!

❋ We will identify all the elements of your personality to draft a first approach to your creative voice.

❋ We will identify key people among your family, friends, and clients to corroborate your insights about your creative voice.

❋ We will identify your professional and academic achievements to highlight their value.

❋ We will identify the turning points that will give meaning to your brand story and storytelling

❋ We will identify your unique element, that “something” that makes you stand out.

❋ We will identify the basic components needed to define your creative business offer.

❋ We will build your Voice Tree. The map of your creative voice, your reference for validating your progress.



From the ethereal to the tangible. Define your personal recipe, the personal elements that you want to convey with your Creative Voice and Business.

❋ We will consolidate the foundations of your creative voice to later develop their components: style, slang, tone, topic, offer, and community.

❋ We will define your driving force, your "why," to highlight it in your communication.

❋ We will define your superpower to articulate your voice around it.

❋ We will define, in detail, the emotion you want your brand to convey.

❋ We will define the transformation you want your dream clients to experience when they connect with you.

❋ We will craft your brand story, the heart of your storytelling, to help you connect with your dream clients and community.

❋ We will define the value proposition of your services, products, or programs.



Learning from the masters. Design a framework of your Voice. Get your hands dirty! Define your voice style, slang, tone, topic, offer, and community.

❋ We will develop your voice style, from the color palette you use to your fashion style.

❋ We will develop your verbal communication, from how to talk with your dream clients to the naming of your services, products, or programs.

❋ We will develop your non-verbal communication to interact with your community and amigos.

❋ We will develop your unique niche to attract your dream clients and projects.

❋ We will develop your service, product, or program offer aligned with your strengths and lifestyle.

❋ We will develop a strategy for you to know and recognize your community, amigos, and dream clients.

❋ We will consolidate the foundations of your (multiple) creative business models.



Test, fail, learn and repeat. Implement your ideas and concepts with the philosophy of the beta mode. Test and consolidate your voice style, slang, tone, topic, offer, and community.

❋ We will develop your voice style, from the color palette you use to your fashion style.

❋ We will develop your verbal communication, from how to talk with your dream clients to the naming of your services, products, or programs.

❋ We will develop your non-verbal communication to interact with your community and amigos.

❋ We will develop your unique niche to attract your dream clients and projects.

❋ We will develop your service, product, or program offer aligned with your strengths and lifestyle.

❋ We will develop a strategy for you to know and recognize your community, amigos, and dream clients.

❋ We will consolidate the foundations of your (multiple) creative business models.

Bloom is the guidance I wish I had when I started my solopreneur adventure 8 years ago.

This is me! Rocío, your amiga and mentor!

My story? It took me, at least, 4 years of work and testing to feel fully aligned with my Creative Voice and Business.

I remember the first time someone said to me, “Hey Rocío! you're dressed just like your illustrations” and I thought ¡Ostras! Could it be that I'm really projecting who I am through my work?

I won't sugarcoat it; it's a long journey of self-discovery and experimentation, seasoned with occasional moments of panic and frustration.

The good thing is, I've been through it and can help you save time, energy, and money.

Join the priority list

Is it for me?

Bloom is for those who (1) seek to listen to, connect with, free, and embrace their Creative Voice, and (2) aim to make a living from it, monetize it, and build a Creative Business aligned with their personal brand.

Let me make it simpler: if you find yourself in any of the following situations, Bloom is for you:

❋ If you are an aspiring creative business owner who wants to lay a strong foundation for your Creative Voice before designing your personal business aligned with your brand.

❋ If you are a creative professional who wants to level up. You already have a Creative Voice and a Creative Business, but neither is fully consolidated yet. You struggle to inspire, impact, and engage with your brand.

❋ If you are a personal brand founder from any sector who wants to become a leader in your field through your voice. You seek to grow and consolidate your personal brand to gain authority and recognition.

Amigo, no worries! I’ve got all your questions covered!

  • The price is 560€. Amigo, this is the lowest price you’ll ever get — it’s the first edition amigo price!

  • The course starts the week of October 7th and lasts for 5 weeks until November 4th

  • The live 1-hour sessions will take place on October 7th October 14th, October 21st, October 28th, and November 4th at 4:00 PM (Spain time)

  • All live sessions will be recorded and can be viewed from the course platform. If you can't attend and have questions, you can leave them in the student chat group, and I will address them personally.

  • The spots are limited to 15, so join the priority list here to get access before anyone else!

  • The workbook with the 21 tools and templates are for you forever. The recordings of the modules will be accessible for 1 year.

  • The next edition of the course will be in 2025.

  • The primary language for communication and materials is English, but if you know me, you know that Spanish and French are always present in small doses.

    (Love this question and you always ask it)

  • Yes, you can! If you need to pay in installments, please contact me via email at

  • If you still have any questions or concerns, please contact me via email at, and we’ll clear up any remaining doubts.

Amigo, if you've made it this far, I'm sure you're ready to bloom!

See you soon at Bloom Your Creative Voice, a 5-week online course with personalized guidance.

From Oct 7 to Nov 4 | Limited seats: 15 spots 560€ *Amigo, this is the lowest price you’ll ever get — it’s the first edition amigo price!

Seats are limited, and the first ones to get access will be the amigos registered on the priority list. So, if you are sure you want to Bloom..

Join the priority list