Festival Lumières Lausanne

¡Hola amigos!

Lumières Lausanne is an amazing color and light show that lights up the streets of Lausanne every year during the winter holidays. They invite artists from all over La Suisse to create XXL dynamic lighting installations that will be projected on several iconic buildings in Lausanne. Isn’t that awesome?

Well it turns out that my friends from Messieurs, a production company based in Lausanne, have been participating in this show for several years now and they always invite artists and illustrators to collaborate with them. As a creator, I am in charge of creating a visual universe and then they come and give those visuals a life of their own! So as you can imagine, this year I was invited to participate and I was like, are you kidding? ME? Of course! 

So I was thrilled and eager to start. I didn’t think twice, the fact of having my work onto a huge facade of 45 meters wide and 15 meters long was not something I was going to miss. 

My partner for the project was Elisa Ciocca, a great motion designer from Messieurs team and together we created "Tempo".

"Tempo", because the building that was assigned to us is crowned by an enormous clock that happens to be none other than a regional architectural landmark, a reference to all pedestrians that might be running late (very important in Switzerland ;) ) or might be commuting in a rush.

Is it time that drives us or is it the other way around? We can't add hours to our days, but it is possible to dedicate time to the things that matter most to us.

"Tempo" invites us to reflect on the rhythm of life, and illustrates the battle to be the author of one's own time, of one's own rhythm of life, under the benevolent gaze of a clock that tells us that the time has come to reflect.

It was mesmerizing to see my illustrations dance and move to the rhythm thanks to Elisa Ciocca just in the middle of downtown Lausanne. 

Thanks for reading and have a joyful day amigo!


Orange cake